Eric Ramanujam passed away

Eric Ramanujam passed away at the age of 58 in JIPMER where he had been taken due to advanced jaundice. While perhaps not having met him in person, many of us know his beautiful and educative wildlife stone-paintings placed in Pitchandikulam and other nature sites and reserves. Starting out at Aranya in 2000, where he studied, drew, and wrote about the Indian Horned Eagle for several years, he moved to Pitchandikulam where he was employed as a wildlife biologist.

His detailed gentle drawings, combining black and white ink, along with color, are found in scientific articles, books, and papers all over India. His work not only showcased his artistic skills but also helped to educate visitors about the wildlife that inhabits the area. It is always sad to lose someone who has contributed so much to their field, and it is clear that Ramanujan will be missed. However, his legacy will live on through his art and the impact that he had on those who had the opportunity to experience his work.

Thank you, Eric. May you be at peace.

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